I will attempt to provide a short summary of the screwtape letters, as there are probably more in depth summaries out there to the extent of how deep you want to dive into the book. Rather, I will get takeaways that resonates deeply with me and what I think of the book and explore how I can apply it into my life. I will also preface that I like to read books, but when someone asks me what they think of the book, I say its good and can give 1-2 sentences of what I’ve read. I read Screwtape Letters a while back so I went on quotes page and a summary page to jog my memory.
Summary of the Screwtape Letters
Screwtape, a devil, is advising Wormwood, his nephew, on how he can tempt his patient, a British man right after the war. We see that Screwtape suggests different angles and tricks to cause the person Wormwood is tempting, to commit acts of sin. It ranges from sexual temptations to other acts of temptations. There are parts in the book which shows the interactions going on in hell between Wormwood, Screwtape and the “hell police”. Although, this is a 30,000 foot view of what the book is, I hope it is enough for you to see what the book is about.
My Thoughts and How it Relates to Me
My initial thoughts on reading the book is that the book has so much to offer and has a lot of creative angles. I think even the concept of writing a book comprised of letters from the devil, is something that is incredibly outside the box and a genius idea in C.S. Lewis’ writing. I think that this book is a book worth reading (all of C.S. Lewis’ books are) and it makes us more aware of the devil’s schemes in our lives.
One thing that I definitely relate with, is the part where Wormwood tries to subtly influence the patient in the book to sin and turn away from God. It is often not the big things such as murder that scares me, but often coming to a point where I have the realization of, “how did I end up here again?” or things that society has deemed as “okay” that I myself have gone along with.
I do think that there are certain things such as watching R-rated movies, drinking alcohol, looking at social media that I have abstained from out of personal choice. I am not here to badger people who do, because it is simply their own convictions, something between them and God. Sometimes, I end up at a place where I am so deep in a pit that I have climbed out of that I ask myself, how did I get here again? Where this relates to me, is where the devil put thoughts in my head. Often times its an image or a fantasy in my head, where it seems harmless and then I can do two next things – either let it marinate or say no and turn to Jesus (to give context, I have locked down all of my devices, and I use covenant eyes but masturbation is something that can still occur in my life or when my friend gives me the screen time password, which is not often). The devil often likes to use lies to attack me, and scripture is the best way to combat the lies. But more recently, after reading Pigs in the Parlor, I normally say, in the name of Jesus, I command you the demon of lust to come out of me. And repeat that over and over again, and it starts to lose hold on me.
There is a quote that stood out to me:
โIndeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one–the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,…Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.โ
โ C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
I do think sometimes the devil uses the lightness of sin to continually attack me, and say that its okay to sin. Furthermore, I have seen people where they start out a strong Christian, slowly has their compass turned, fall into societal standards and reject the Bible still claiming that they’re Christians while living in continual sin. Do I think they’re going to Heaven? It’s not for me to say or not say because it is between them and God. I do think that if someone says they’re a Christian, but continues to live their whole life without repentance. It’s not gonna hurt anyone. Does it REALLY say in the Bible you can’t do this? Jesus will forgive you.
For those of you who are experiencing habitual sin such as porn, masturbation, alcohol, etc. how should you react if you do fall into it?
Something I want to reassure you of is that your identity is not in your sin, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. You have the power to conquer sin. But at the same time, don’t dwell on it. Don’t let the devil attack you and say you are not worthy to come to God. Don’t let shame take over, but rather repent and turn from your sins. Go to God and say sorry to him. Once you have done that, do the next right thing. Don’t say oh, because I did it once, I can do it again, it’s not a big deal. Turn away from it and spend some time with the Lord.
How to not fall into habitual sin (for me its masturbation, for you it can be any addiction)?
One is definitely spend time with Jesus and have a great relationship with him. Secondly, the opposite of addiction is connection. Connect with people, connect with Jesus, spend time in community and spend time doing things you love. Find a solid group guys or women who can keep you accountable. Something that hit me is that I am not actually living when I spend time in pornography or masturbation, I am actually dying. In seasons where I did not use that for a while, I felt an incredible amount of freedom and felt like I was truly living, which was amazing. Something else, is also setting guardrails. For me it is using covenant eyes and removing any potential stumbling blocks in my life. A couple things not just because it is a stumbling block but other reasons as well: instagram (spent too much time on it and also potential stumbling block), r rated movies and shows (conviction of violence but also possible stumbling block), snapchat (because why) and linkedin (doomscrolling, not a stumbling block).
While I would not say that if I commit another sin in my life I would be going to hell, I will expound to explain my thoughts on this subject, in the paragraph below.
My stance on being saved
I believe that I am only saved by grace alone, and not by works but being a Christian should shape the way I live. I cannot earn God’s love, but rather rest on his saving grace. I do believe that because I am saved, I should live radically differently and different from how society views things. There should be an upward trajectory in my life of living life glorifying to Christ and not taking sin lightly. Repentance and sanctification are both important things in my life and as I have turned away from God, I need to repent and ask for forgiveness. Repenting means a radical transformation and going the other way. Are there things in my life that I have struggled with for a while? Yes, porn for a lot of years in my life. Do I believe I am going to hell because of it if I slip up again? No. But that does mean I will purposely slip up? No. I want to live in a way that is pleasing and honoring to God every single day of my life and get on my knees each morning and ask him to strengthen me. Ask him to pour his love on me that I will not turn to other things to satisfy me but rather enjoy my whole entire life in him.
Preface: I think I do have ADHD so sometimes my mind goes 1000 miles an hour so I’m not sure whether my writing bounces all over the place
Prompts for you if you choose so to engage ๐
Why are you doing the things you are sometimes doing (example: instagram or watching r-rated movies)? Is it because society normalizes it, or is it because you truly feel like that this is beneficial for me and God-honoring?
What are some habits that you can start or things you can change in your lifestyle to cut out habitual sin, or can enable you to live a more fulfilling life in Christ?
How do you see yourself delight in God everyday? Not just in your quiet times, but the remaining 23 hours of your day?
Are there any thoughts that you think the devil subtly puts into your head that you are not recognizing as lies of the enemies or temptations from the enemies?